Modernizing Your Aging Systems

Modernize your aging systems to minimize vulnerability, reduce maintenance and improve productivity

In the world of manufacturing, the older your systems are, the more maintenance they require, the more susceptible they are to security breaches, the more employees are exposed to machine safety issues and the less actionable data they provide. In short, as the age of your automation technology goes up, so do your risks. Agilix Solutions and Rockwell Automation work together to provide turnkey engineering services that make modernization easier. 
As you consider an upgrade to newer technology, there are many factors to consider, not the least of which is earning the highest possible return on your investment. We can help you evaluate your options for addressing legacy equipment and implement the best life cycle strategy for your operation.
Modernization doesn't need to be an all-or-nothing proposition, and it doesn't need to happen all at once. Agilix Solutions and Rockwell Automation can help you with both long-term and short-term strategies for upgrading your equipment. There are three primary approaches to life cycle support, and the best path forward for your facility may include any combination of them:

  • Modernize – Replace legacy technology with the latest technology while taking advantage of increased functionality and innovation, which may include reporting, security, connectivity, remote access, analytics and more.
  • Migrate – Replace legacy technology with the latest technology while keeping the same functionality and user experience as the existing platform. This solves obsolescence issues (risks) and is easier to support.
  • Convert – Replace third-party equipment with Rockwell Automation technology and standards.

Why work with Agilix Solutions and Rockwell Automation on your modernization or conversion project?

  • Domain expertise and capability to help you develop a modernization path and reduce your downtime risk
  • Utilization of local resources with our global footprint
  • Parallel testing of your system is available prior to going live to ensure system operability and reduce downtime and troubleshooting
  • Project management expertise helps guide you in setting realistic goals to address biggest risks first
  • Long-term support – we’re with you through the entire project, from start to finish
  • The project is delivered based on your schedule and specific needs

Here's how you benefit:

  • Mitigate your risk by moving to the latest technology, either all at once or with a phased approach
  • Improve functionality and increase network security by replacing older and discontinued equipment
  • Help reduce your maintenance costs, efforts and number of service calls
  • Decrease your Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR)

Learn More:

You can’t achieve smart manufacturing without
embracing modern technology. But how do you get started?

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Ready to modernize your aging systems? Turnkey engineering services make the process easier.

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Our team of experienced automation professionals work through three main steps to support your modernization journey:


1. Assess

  • Understand your current state – what makes up your operation and where do your risks lie?
  • Identify technology-driven functionality you may not be realizing or opportunities you’re missing because operations or infrastructure can’t support it.

2. Plan

  • Prioritize projects and document your goals, the project scope, budget, schedule/timing and personnel needed to complete the project.
  • Rank applications based on complexity and prioritize critical lines.
  • As you develop the modernization road map, consider your system setup, and incorporate risk mitigation strategies.

3. Execute

  • Determine who will implement your modernization plan – do you have in-house expertise or need a partner?
  • Will you take on the modernization effort all at once, or do you need to schedule it in phases to meet your budget and timeline?
  • Can you start with one machine or are you ready to tackle your entire operation?

Life Cycle Extension and Migrations – Watch Now

Informational Blog Articles:

How to create modernization project success.

Read More

Ready to modernize your aging systems? Contact Kelly McLure, Agilix Solutions Customer Success Specialist, to begin the conversation.

Kelly McLure
Customer Success Specialist
Office: 901.334.4832
Mobile: 901.530.6534

Kelly will review your business requirements, identify goals and objectives, and coordinate next steps with your Account Manager for follow-up.

Agilix Solutions brings the long histories of French Gerleman and IAC Supply Solutions together into one distribution powerhouse on the leading edge of product and service solutions.
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